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Choosing the right investigation method is an important part of every geotechnical project. As a result of our active participation in the development and application of different geotechnical investigation methods, we have long experience in the use of the following areas:

  • Planning, execution and interpretation of different types of field investigation methods, e.g. CPT, CPTU and CPTS.
  • Determination of strength and deformation properties of granular soils based on CPT.
  • Seismic investigations (e.g. cross-hole, down-hole) for determination of deformation properties of various soils at small or large strains. 
Geotechnical engineering
Geotechnical investigations
Pile foundations and retaining walls
Soil improvement
Monitoring and active design
Soil dynamics and vibrations
Risk assessment
Geo Risk & Vibration AB | Solna Torg 13, 3tr | SE171 45 SOLNA | Sweden
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